Pou is an enchanting digital game where players nurture an endearing alien companion. Crafted by Zakeh Limited, Pou presents a blend of nostalgia and contemporary elements, reminiscent of beloved classics like Tamagotchi. Satisfy Pou's needs by feeding, cleaning, and playing with them, ensuring their happiness and growth. Discover entertaining mini-games, create stylish outfits for Pou, and progress by completing daily tasks!
Pou goes beyond being a mere game—it provides a virtual pet experience that fosters responsibility and creativity. Whether you're catering to Pou's needs, adorning them, or engaging in games, there's always something enjoyable to undertake. The delightful graphics and captivating gameplay make Pou an exemplary companion for individuals of all age groups.
Pou was conceived by Zakeh Limited, breathing life into this charming extraterrestrial pet for millions across the globe.
Experience Pou on:
If caring for Pou captivates you, explore our repertoire of pet games involving dogs, cats, and other adorable creatures. These games are ideal for those who relish taking care of virtual pets and relishing entertaining activities.