Step into the depths of the ominous cave system inhabited by the intriguing game of "Infernos & Wealth", a captivating creation influenced by the acclaimed "Card Crawl". Assume the role of the Flame-Avenger, engaging in fierce combat against goblins, dragons, and a host of other adversaries, armed solely with a comprehensive deck consisting of 54 uniquely crafted cards. The crux of your survival rests on strategic decision-making, while triumph leads to the discovery of hidden riches and access to formidable new abilities. Will you emerge as the ultimate conqueror, harnessing both the shadows and endless wealth?
Develop a winning approach by employing available resources to draw cards and vanquish adversaries until your deck is fully emptied. On each turn, the dashboard offers an opportunity to replenish the 4 vacant slots with fresh cards. Skillfully equip resource cards from your hand and backpack, before directly confronting enemies through spellcasting, inflicting direct damage, or employing a protective shield to minimize harm. Treasure collection along your perilous journey will enable you to unlock a plethora of new capability cards, utilizing hard-earned gold.